Tuesday 21 October 2014


To succeed at anything – job, business, relationship; you need to have a right attitude: the HAPPY ATTITUDE.

A happy attitude is a positive attitude that creates positive energy which translates to successful results. A pessimistic attitude on the other hand suppresses the desire to reach out, create or move on; its really that simple.

If you desire change, or you are feeling stuck and thinking how to get ahead, try this out. It’s what I call the ‘HAPPY-GO-LUCKY’ charm.


Before you step out in the day say the above affirmations. Repeat them anytime you feel the energy drain from your body or feel like giving up.
Give it a 30 days trial period and watch out for astonishing results!

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'when you are happy & hopeful, finding joy in what is meaningful & good, the things you most desire will definitely come to YOU!'

 Till next time,

Always remember – ‘information is the new currency’
(Don’t forget to share this with someone you care about!)

Thursday 16 October 2014


I came out of the doctor’s office laughing. This was my third visit and all my visits were ‘food- related’ as Dr. Larry had pointed out.

My first visit was a few months ago. While frying some chicken, a splash of hot oil from the pan landed on my exposed chest. The injury was minor and took about two weeks to heal.

The second visit to the doctor was two months ago. The vegetable salad I got from a popular eatery was unknowingly contaminated and so resulted in food poisoning.

And now the third visit – my index finger burn from frying ripe plantain.

Now the above has created an opportunity for me to either make or market existing ointments that heal burns in just a few days! What a wonderful business opportunity!

Most times, you do not explore available opportunities not because they are not there, but because of the fear or laziness of starting out on your own. If I can get past my inhibition about blogging, you too can! So do something today. Even if it’s just for the fun of it – do it!

Till next time,

Always remember – ‘information is the new currency’

Monday 13 October 2014


Its amazing how a simple thing like typing up a few words can take so long! So, finally I'm out with it - a solution to your money needs! l promise to keep you informed, motivated and encouraged. Thank you for trusting me! Always remember, 'Information is the new currency' - Ehis (2014)