Hello! Happy new to you!! Hope you are still feeling new? Guess what????? We are starting the year by minding the business that is ‘YOU’. Yes, ‘YOU’; because you are a business of such potential magnitude that you can’t afford to let things just happen by chance.
Your personal attitude can affect the outcome of this year for you as an individual and even in business.
Convince yourself again about your life’s purpose: what do you really want from life? How does your personality work with this, is there a conflict or are both in harmony? Your goal should be to keep developing your strengths and not wear yourself out doing too much or too little.
If you are unable to manage your personal funds adequately, chances are you are likely to be unable to manage your business money. ‘Being poor is not just a mindset; it’s an attitude and a lifestyle.’
Focus more on ‘resourcefulness’. ‘Resources may increase your current income, but resourcefulness will create an unending stream of WEALTH’. Apple started out not resource focus but on being resourceful. Today Apple is renowned not for its resources but for its resourcefulness (innovation).
Be open to learning and trying new ideas. Start where your strength lies. The good news is that whether you decide to quit your job to start a business or stay put, you can still make more money. You can be an investor, partner, affiliate, etc.
So, are you as passionate as I am for great chances in your finances? Then join me for my next article – ITS TIME TO MIND YOUR BUSINESS (Part 2).
Till next time,
Remember – information remains the new currency!
This article is for you and someone else. Remember part of your life goal should be to give and share with others. Share your resourcefulness with someone else by sharing this article. Let us help make 2015 a year of great financial success for us and those we care about. Please share.
Photo credits (google search).