Friday, 28 August 2015


During the early stage of business, there will be excitement and the temptation to do many things at once.  Try to contain it so your enthusiasm does not burn out fast.  Let go of distracting ‘great’ ideas so you can focus on the purpose of your business.  Better still, you can store in an ‘idea bank’ where you can go back to them later.
Trust yourself sometimes and don’t at other times.  It’s healthy for you and your business.  Be ready for opportunities.  You can adopt the IUF™ approach.

(I)GNORE – totally unrelated opportunities.  These will waste your time & resources.  It may appear attractive, but it will not help or be useful to you or your business in the long term.

(U)SE NOW – those opportunities which are usually one-offs but related to your long term vision/goal.

(F)OCUS ON – those opportunities related to your long term vision.

Pursue pragmatic education that places emphasis on practice and simplicity.  This means you are learning and applying it in your business at the same time.

Don’t stop learning, growing, and innovating. Your business depends on it.

Let’s talk


How are you minding your business today? Managing your finances is key to succeeding in your business.  Let me help you manage your business finance so you can focus on your business. 


My name is EHIS EGBUJI. I’m a Finance Expert.  I created the ‘Minding Your Business Series’ (MYB™) because I’m passionate about helping people and businesses overcome their money problems.  Call me - +2348091001173 or send a mail – or tweet at me - @ehisbebe.  I do love to hear from you!


Monday, 17 August 2015


It’s great that you have decided to start out on your own.  Congrats dear friend for taking this bold step; the result of an ‘I can do this’ mindset and attitude. 
As you settle into entrepreneurship, here are some important things to remember.

-       You now have greater responsibilities as a business owner and an employer compared to if you were an employee.  Your customers and employees depend on you.  You can’t afford to let them down.

-       Your personal ‘goals-needs’ will be on hold for a while.  For example, regular vacations may be on hold for a couple of years to get a strong footing for your business.  Investing in things like houses, personal cars, another business may not be possible yet.  Remember, your business is an investment that you need to grow if you are to succeed.  Most of your resources, your money will be required to grow your business.

The beautiful thing is that once your business stabilizes and begins to make regular profits, you will be able to afford a number of your ‘goals-needs’ together!

That you do not have the life you envisage today or after a couple of years of doing business does not mean you can’t have it.  Keep at what you are doing.  Keep innovating - learning & trying new things.  Soon, you will break through; the light of success will shine through all those clutters of doubt.  I believe you can succeed; do you believe you can?


Let’s talk

How are you minding your business today? Managing your finances is key to succeeding in your business.  Let me help you manage your business finance. 

My name is EHIS EGBUJI. I’m a Finance Expert.  I created theMinding Your Business Series’ (MYB™) because I’m passionate about helping people and businesses overcome their money problems.  Call me - +2348091001173 or send a  or tweet at me - @ehisbebe.  I would love to hear from you!

photo credit:;


Monday, 3 August 2015

LIVE AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE! (The Minding Your Business (MYB™) Series)

'De-clutter your life.  Not everything is necessary; not every information is important.'

Everyone requires the basic necessities of food, shelter and clothing.  Every other need falls between a comfort and a luxury position.  Comfort makes life a lot easier for you.  Luxury gives you a sense of power, that yearning to belong to a clique, or simply to show off.  Comfort puts you at relative easy.  Basic and luxury create tension.

                                              The MYB™  Life Chart

Your position on the MYB™  Life Chart is relative to your goals and aspirations.  Don’t stop aspiring to be a better you, a richer or wealthier you.  'There are no wrong or right ambitions; its your intentions that makes your ambition right or wrong'. Aspire to be above the basic needs position.  Strive to remain within the comfort position.  Aviod getting into a luxurious lifestyle (the luxury position).

If your intentions are noble, you will aim to find a noble path to acquiring wealth/riches.  If not, your path to weath maybe flawed.  Aim for and strive to remain in the comfort position; its the best position to achieve your life goals.  You can achieve your financial life goals with the help of a finance expert .  Find a finance expert  online or offline, depending on which works best for you.

Till next time…..

Treasure this information; it’s the new currency.  I remain passionately committed to your success!

Finance Expert
E- mail –
Twitter - @ehisbebe
(The creator of ‘Minding Your Business Series’ - MYB™)