the early stage of business, there will be excitement and the temptation to do
many things at once. Try to contain it
so your enthusiasm does not burn out fast.
Let go of distracting ‘great’ ideas so you can focus on the purpose of
your business. Better still, you can
store in an ‘idea bank’ where you can go back to them later.
Trust yourself sometimes and don’t at other times. It’s healthy for you and your business. Be ready for opportunities. You can adopt the IUF™ approach.
(I)GNORE – totally unrelated opportunities. These will waste your time &
resources. It may appear attractive, but
it will not help or be useful to you or your business in the long term.
(U)SE NOW – those opportunities which are usually
one-offs but related to your long term vision/goal.
(F)OCUS ON – those opportunities related to your
long term vision.
pragmatic education that places emphasis on practice and simplicity. This means you are learning and applying it
in your business at the same time.
stop learning, growing, and innovating. Your business depends on it.
Let’s talk
How are you minding your business today? Managing your finances
is key to succeeding in your business. Let me help you manage your business finance so you can focus on your
My name is EHIS EGBUJI. I’m a Finance Expert. I created the ‘Minding Your Business Series’ (MYB™) because I’m passionate about helping
people and businesses overcome their money problems. Call me - +2348091001173
or send a mail – ehisegbuji@gmail.com or tweet at me -
@ehisbebe. I do love to hear from you!