Monday, 30 March 2015

MOVING FORWARD - THE TRUMPET APPROACH (The Minding your business series)


 Business is about providing a service and earning from it.  Do you write well?  Can you speak convincingly?  Can you think deeply?  Can you make bags, clothes?  Are you a great cook?  Can you sell anything?  Any of these can become a full blown business.  Many have succeed already at these, and many more will.  Have you been minding your business? 

Your idea can be extra ordinary or just ordinary; it doesn't matter.  What is important is that it meets a need and you are convinced that it makes sense.  When you can convince yourself, you can convince anyone.
You convince anyone by what you give.  Adopt the "trumpet approach".

The TRUMPET APPROACH is showing off your skill(s) as often as you can.  Talk about it, use it freely.  Do this creatively and your selling points will begins to rise.  By the time you launch out fully, it will be quite natural for your crowd because they have seen you do it in the past with ease.

The first thing you want to do is convince people, not force them into buying.  Once people trust you, they are more likely to buy from you.

Don't wait until you have registered a business name, set up your office or have enough money.  Start now where you are and as you are.

'Success belongs to those who take action and remain committed'.  Success is moving forward - so start moving!

Till next time,

Remember...information is the currency of the 21st century. Please share this article with a friend. Thanks.

Because I'm so passionate about your success!